I'm not sure if this is an entirely new idea...I'm sure someone else has already thought about it.
It's new for me though.
I've been thinking a lot about morality lately. How do you know if you're doing the "right" or the "wrong" thing? How can you potentially come up with a set of rules that everyone should live by in order to be "moral" people?
I've decided morality only exists in our minds.
Imagine the state of nature. There is no government. People are their own independent nations. I contend that in this scenario, there is no right and wrong. Might means right. Whoever is stronger is going to end on top. I'm not saying that people in the State of Nature should be going around killing everyone and such things, I'm saying that if they felt like doing it (because of a dispute over resources or whatever), then it is totally permissible to do so. Who is to tell them that what they are doing is wrong?
Now obviously we don't live in the State of Nature. We have a government. We forfeit some of our individual freedoms to come together and form a society. Humans and prehuman species formed societies and groups a long time ago. They decided they were better off as a group than by themselves. Over time, we have become used to the concept of forming such groups. We have become used to understanding that certain actions go against the formation of our society. If we steal, then we are not playing our part in society.
Ok, here it is----morality really is the instinctive voice in our head that tells us what is right and wrong. I contend that we all know what right and wrong is. It's just that a number of us ignore the voice in our head and do what is more pleasurable. That voice in our head is evolution talking. We have been wired to know that certain actions go against our society. Stealing, killing, lying, etc.
We can obviously know that stealing, killing, lying and bad things to do. We shouldn't do them because, again, they are going against informal contract that we signed in order to be a part of the society. So for the more shaky and complicated areas, how can we know what is right and wrong?
Here is my rule. For something to be wrong, if greater than 50% of society were to act in a similar way to the one in question, ask yourself would society be able to exist?
For example, if greater than 50% of people lied all the time, then society couldn't exist. We wouldn't be able to trust one another. That is whole basis of society. If greater than 50% of us were killers, then obviously at least half of us would be dead, so that wouldn't be a good thing.
So what do you think? Is this the only rule of morality that we need?
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