I've been thinking about this article for almost a month now. I don't even know where to start.
Basically anti-abortion people are reaching out into the black community in order get more "inroads with black audiences". They hired a black woman as their minority outreach coordinator. After that, they posted billboards around Atlanta that say "black children are an endangered species" and started a website. They call abortions "womb lynchings". Apparently, since 40% of black pregnancies end in, Planned Parenthood is "preying" on these people.
This might be my conservative side (if that really does exist), but this whole situation is an issue of personal responsibility with black people. Pulling out the victim card and calling it a "conspiracy" is beyond reckless. Nobody told you to have sex. Nobody told you to have unprotected sex that leads to children. Nobody told you to not use birth control (maybe because Planned Parenthood doesn't exist in your area). You made your own personal decision. You have to live with the consequences.
If you end up with an unplanned pregnancy, you're making your own decision on what you want to do. Nobody can force you to have an abortion. Even if someone were to "mislead" you into an abortion, in the end it's your own decision. Maybe your information was flawed, but again, that's your own problem. People know what they're getting into with abortions. It's pretty transparent. Instead of complaining about a conspiracy, maybe these people should advocate for more birth control or just general sex education (since we can't teach that in schools without the right wingers going crazy).
And I'm not one that is saying people should be having abortions left and right. We can reduce the number of abortions by giving people contraception and giving them the education on how to use the correctly. In the end, you would have fewer "womb lynchings" since black women wouldn't have as many unplanned pregnancies. But, aren't condoms an endangerment to the "black species" as well??? Aren't they "killing" black people as well?
Actually, in Maine the parents of a young woman were charged with kidnapping when they tried to force her to abort because she was carrying a bi-racial child. This can and does happen and those of us who study the abortion industry know it full well. But- if you have any interest in this topic of eugenics and black genocide from abortion, I recommend a powerful documentary called: Maafa21 Black Genocide in 21st Century America. The film is fully documented and you will be shocked at how racist the founders of abortion are. http://www.maafa21.com
That's like saying since Thomas Jefferson had slaves and was part of the founding of this nation, then everything he did was tainted by association. Let's say I give you the argument that all abortion clinics want to get rid of black people. Nobody is forcing black people to use them. Again, it's their own personal choice. Use contraception. Don't get into these situations. It's a much better strategy than making crazy videos.
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