
On Proposition 8

When I read about what happened with Proposition 8, I want to throw up in my mouth. The whole thing makes absolutely no sense to me. Why is there even a question about whether or not gay marriage should be allowed? Of course it should be allowed. No questions asked.

Gay people are treated so harshly in America. Yeah, if you're "regular" and "straight", sure you can go get your marriage. Hell, aren't there still drive-through marriage places around the US? It will take 30 minutes. You don't even have to "love" the person. So, for heterosexual people, they can get married and divorced over and over again until the annoyed with the process. But for gay people, it's not even an option. Even for gay people who really really love one another. Why not?

I went to key website for Proposition 8 to find out why people are against gay marriage. The whole campaign centers around the "negative" effects of redefining marriage. According to the site:

"For example, because public schools are already required to teach the role of marriage in society as part of the curriculum, schools will now be required to teach students that gay marriage is the same as traditional marriage, starting with kindergarteners. By saying that a marriage is between “any two persons” rather than between a man and a woman, the Court decision has opened the door to any kind of “marriage.” This undermines the value of marriage altogether at a time when we should be restoring marriage, not undermining it."

I don't know where to start with this statement. Of course gay marriage is the same as traditional marriage, except that you have two people of the same sex instead of two people of the opposite sex. That's really the only difference. The only problem is that gay people don't fit into this traditional view of marriage. But, that's the thing about traditions, sometimes they need to go. And how does gay marriage undermine "the value of marriage"? I get it, by restricting people who do love each other, you reinforce marriage, which is supposed to be about a connection between two people. But obviously, that doesn't make any sense. How about we just say marriage is defined as the relationship between two people who allegedly love each other?

Why is gay marriage such a big deal anyway? For heterosexuals, it has little to no impact on their lives on a day-to-day basis. How is the "value of marriage" diminished?? How does make any sense? For things like crime, sure you want to have some police out there to protect people who could be robbed. But if we open up marriage...the only winners are gay people. There are no losers. Heterosexuals aren't affected at all. I think this video sums it up perfectly.

Just get over the traditional view of marriage. It's antiquated. It's similar to the fight that black people had to face to be recognized as equal and women had to face to vote. It's very obvious that black people are just the same as white people, women are just as smart and capable as men, and gay people are just as qualified to be married.

As this article mentions: the only thing that is getting between gay people and marriage is religion. The concept of marriage that is advocated by Christianity can ONLY be between one man and one woman. But here's the thing, America is not a theocracy. We were founded by people who wanted to escape problems of religion and government put together. You've heard of it right? It's the basic concept of Separation of Church and State. So let's keep them separate. Don't pretend that the issue is not a religious one. Because if you do, you will continue to add to the Bigotry in America.

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